The world is changing rapidly. Leaders need a place where they can openly wrestle with the challenges of life, faith, and ministry. Even more than that, they need a place to reconnect with the God who called them in the first place. Our passion is to cultivate sacred space for these leaders, their spouses, and the teams they lead to notice what they are thinking and feeling, and to share that as honestly as they can with God and some grace-filled people. In times of prayer, we have seen Jesus’ faithfulness to meet them in this place of need. The Holy Spirit brings gifts of comfort, healing, and empowerment in profound ways.

Breathe Life Ministries takes Biblical truths, principles, and promises and applies them in very practical ways to the current experiences of life, family, and ministry. Leaders that work with Steve and Jamie walk away with a lighter load, new tools, and a fresh appreciation for the love of God and the power of His Word and His Spirit.

Our mission is…

cultivating sacred space where the unfiltered life of a Christian leader
meets the power and grace of the living God,
overflowing with Heaven’s gifts to the world